Registered user since Thu 8 Mar 2018
Name:Anderson Uchôa
Anderson Uchôa is a MSc candidate in Informatics at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) with emphasis on Software Engineering. He holds a BSc degree in Software Engineering from Federal University of Ceará (UFC) in cooperation with the Sapienza University of Rome (Sapienza). Anderson Uchôa is a member of the OPUS Research Group supervised by Prof. Dr. Alessandro Garcia, from the Software Engineering Laboratory of PUC-Rio. He has experience in the area of Software Engineering, working mainly on the following topics: Software Reuse, Software Maintenance and Evolution, Requirements Engineering, and Empirical Software Engineering.
Affiliation:Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)
Personal website: https://anderson-uchoa.github.io/
Research interests:Software Maintenance and Evolution, Software Reuse, Empirical Software Engineering and Requirements Engineering.
* ICSE 2018 *-profile
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