Registered user since Wed 24 Jan 2018
Name:Balbir Barn
@profbalbirbarn is Professor of Software Engineering at Middlesex University, UK. Balbir is both an industrialist and an academic specialising in applied and product related research in model driven software engineering. Currently, his research focuses on the use of models as abstractions and execution/simulation environments for enterprise architecture. Increasingly his work is multi-disciplinary and Balbir is working with criminologists and sociologists in applying technology to social problems and in social media research. The recently completed MAYOT (Mobile Aps for Youth Offending Teams) project is being evaluated by several youth offending services in Wales and England.
Country:United Kingdom
Affiliation:Middlesex University, UK
Personal website: http://www.synthetism.net
Research interests:Model Driven Software Engineering, Conceptual Modelling, Socio-technical Systems Design, Value Sensitive Software Engineering
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